The 2024 International Environmental and Agronomical Genomics symposium will be the opportunity to have an update on most recent environmental genomics research, as well as an overview of high scientific impact projects carried out in collaboration with France Génomique platforms.

The meeting is co-organised by France Génomique and the GDR GE (Research work group Environmental Genomics): Organisers

Nine scientific areas will be covered:

    • Genomics of plants and animals and their microbiota
    • Exploring diversity and evolution of Life
    • Exploring ecosystems using metagenomics
    • Genomics of biological interactions: holobionts, pathogens, symbionts
    • Technological advances: producing and analyzing genomic data
    • Pangenome and structural variants
    • Ancient DNA and paleo-environments
    • Monitoring of ecosystems functioning and health / Eco-exposome
    • Environmental genomics and collaborative science, a window on society


Abstract submissions:

Abstract submission for oral and poster presentations is available until the 15th of December 2023 - midnightResults will be announced in January 2024. 

To submit an abstract for a poster or an oral presentation, first create an account on Sciencesconf.org. Then use your username and password to login on the symposium home page. You will then be able to access the “My submissions” page and proceed with abstract submission. Max 1500 characters, and in english only.


Travel grants:

The GDR GE has offered 9 travel grants of 300 euros to support the travel (transport and accommodation costs) of PhD students or post-docs offering an oral or poster communication.

The 9 laureates are:

  • Amina Bouherama, Houari Boumediène Science and technology University, Algiers, Algeria
  • Ana Sofia Carranco, Ulm University, Germany
  • Justine Charon, INRAE, Bordeaux University, France
  • Paula Gauvin, INRAE Thonon-les-bains, France
  • Gianluca Grasso, MNHN, University of Turin, Italy
  • Clarisse Lemonnier, LEMAR - BEEP, Brest, France
  • Anouar Mejait, Perpignan University, France
  • Marine Poullet, Sophia Agrobiotech Institute, France
  • Marine Salson, IRD - Montpellier, France


Poster size: A0: 841 x 1189 mm (portrait only) 


Registration and payment:

Registration fees include the three-day attendance of the conference, coffee breaks, lunches on the 15th and 16th.

To register, please go to the 'Registration' page.

The payments are processed with Billetweb by completing the form directly on the registration page or via this Link. 

Please note that your registration will not be accepted until we receive payment confirmation from Billetweb.

Registration opened until the 12th of January 2024 - midnight. Now extended until the 31st of January!

-Attendee, academic position: €200 (VAT included)

-Master and PhD students: €100 (VAT included)

-Attendee, private position: €350 (VAT included)


We greatly acknowledge our sponsors below:









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